The Top 10 Entertainment And Media Blogs in 2022

One of the best ways to learn about Entertainment, new trends and understand what is going on in your industry is by reading blogs by other professionals in the field. This article will give you a list of the top 10 entertainment and media blogs that will not only help you get up-to-date but also give you an edge in your field.

What is an entertainment blog?

An entertainment blog is a blog that covers topics related to entertainment and media. This can include celebrity news, movie and TV reviews, music news, and more. Entertainment blogs can be written by professional journalists or by regular people who are passionate about entertainment.

There are many different types of entertainment blogs out there. Some focus on celebrity gossip, while others focus on movie reviews or music news. Some entertainment blogs are even written by celebrities themselves! Whatever your interests, there is sure to be an entertainment blog out there for you.

If you’re looking for some great entertainment blogs to follow, here are a few of our favorites:

-Gossip Girl: This blog covers all the latest celebrity gossip and news. If you’re interested in keeping up with the lives of your favorite celebrities, this is the blog for you.

-The Hollywood Reporter: This blog offers professional movie reviews and industry news. If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest movies and TV shows, this is the place to go.

-Pitchfork: This blog covers the latest in indie music news. If you’re a fan of independent music, this is the blog for you.

Benefits of having an entertainment blog

  1. An entertainment blog can be a great way to share your passion for movies, TV shows, music, and other forms of entertainment with the world.
  2. A blog can be a great platform for sharing your opinions and thoughts on entertainment news and events.
  3. A blog can be a great way to connect with other fans of entertainment. You can share your favorite entertainment experiences with others and find new things to enjoy together.
  4. A blog can be a great way to build a following and establish yourself as an expert in the field of entertainment.
  5. A blog can be a great way to make money. If you build up a large enough following, you can monetize your blog through advertising or other means.

How to start your own entertainment blog

  1. How to start your own entertainment blog
    If you’re passionate about entertainment and media, you may be wondering how you can start your own blog. Luckily, it’s easier than you might think! Here are a few tips:
  2. Choose a focus for your blog. What kind of entertainment do you want to write about? Movies? TV shows? Music? Once you know your focus, it will be easier to come up with content ideas.
  3. Find a blogging platform that suits your needs. There are many different platforms out there, so take some time to explore and find one that’s right for you.
  4. Start writing! Once you have your platform set up and you know what you want to write about, it’s time to start creating content. Be sure to post regularly and interact with your readers to keep them coming back for more.

Categories of Entertainment Blogs

There are a variety of different types of entertainment blogs. Some focus on celebrity gossip, while others focus on movie and television reviews. There are also blogs that focus on music, fashion, and general pop culture.

One of the most popular types of entertainment blogs is celebrity gossip blog. These blogs keep readers up-to-date on the latest news about their favorite celebrities. They often include exclusive photos and videos, as well as interviews with celebrities.

Movie and television review blogs are also popular. These blogs provide readers with critical reviews of new movies and TV shows. They can help readers decide whether or not to see a particular movie or show.

Music blogs are another type of popular entertainment blog. These blogs provide readers with the latest news about their favorite musicians. They often include interviews, concert reviews, and previews of new albums.

Fashion blogs are also popular among entertainment bloggers. These blogs provide readers with the latest news about fashion trends. They often include photos and videos of celebrities wearing new styles.

Top 10 Most Popular Entertainment Blogs

  1. Deadline Hollywood- This blog covers breaking news about the film and television industry.
  2. The Hollywood Reporter– This blog covers news about the entertainment industry, including movies, TV, and music.
  3. Variety- This blog covers news about the film and television industry, including movie reviews and box office results.
  4. Entertainment Weekly- This blog covers news about the entertainment industry, including movie reviews, TV recaps, and celebrity interviews.
  5. The A.V. Club- This blog covers news about movies, TV, music, and pop culture.
  6. Slate- This blog covers news about the film and television industry, as well as other topics such as politics and culture.
  7. IndieWire- This blog covers news about the independent film industry.
  8. The Playlist- This blog covers news about movies and music.
  9. Film School Rejects- This blog covers news about the film industry, including movie reviews and interviews with filmmakers.


We hope you enjoyed this list of the top 10 entertainment and media blogs. These blogs offer a great mix of news, commentary, and analysis on all things related to the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for a place to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in Hollywood, or if you want to find out what people are saying about your favorite TV show, then be sure to check out one (or all) of these great blogs.


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